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RSES Tiger Fund

The TIGER FUND is a crucial resource that enables the PTO to effectively support the RSES mission and enhance educational opportunities for all students. This general fund provides flexible, unrestricted funding to address the school’s most immediate and significant needs, ensuring that resources are directed where they can have the greatest impact.

By contributing to the TIGER FUND, you help the PTO support new initiatives and bridge gaps in state and local funding, ensuring every student has access to a well-rounded and enriching educational experience. Your donation directly benefits RSES students and teachers, fostering an environment where all can thrive and succeed.

As a registered 501(c)(3) organization, donations to the TIGER FUND are tax-deductible and can be made at any time through our secure online giving portal. We sincerely thank you for your generous support!


  • GORE RANGE LEVEL: $1000+
  • COUGAR RIDGE LEVEL: $500-$999
  • EAGLE RIVER LEVEL: $250-$499
  • GORE CREEK LEVEL: $125-$249
  • TIGER DEN LEVEL: $1-$124